
Tuesday, 28 January 2014

My treasures

Celebrate all the good moments in everyday-life!

These are all blank cards that I've bought myself... to myself. Pathetic or not?! I have a little tin box filled with blank, wonderful cards, and at times I send a bunch of them to someone who writes them full and then sends them back to me. I return the favor, of course. Is this familiar to you guys, too? Do you usually buy yourself cards and then get them written (and stamped) later by someone else? Or does this just sound waste-of-time, haha?!


  1. Mä teen AIVAN samaa :DD Mulla on varmaan satakunta korttia joita säilön pienessä tinalaatikossa odottamassa että saisin mahdollisuuden laittaa kortti jolleki kirjotettavaksi :D En vaan haluu niitä leimattuina takasin, kun pelkään aina niin hemmetisti että postikortti menee rikki tai kuvapuoli naarmuuntuu pahasti Itellan kätösissä :)

    1. Ihanaa, että muitakin on! Ja joo, mäkin laitan osan korteista matkaan niin, että saavat tulla kuoressa takaisinkin - varsinkin nyt, kun postimaksut on mitä on... Ja hei, jos kiinnostaa, niin voidaan vaikka vaihtaa näitä kortteja joskus keskenämme? :)

    2. Voitais tehäkin niin :D
      Mun vaan pitäis kaivaa ne korttiboksit jostain tän hallitsemattoman kaaoksen keskeltä :D

    3. Okei, ilmoittele vaikka yksityisviestillä mun Postcrossing-profiilin kautta (animismi), kun oot paikantanut boksit. :)

  2. I used to do that, but I usually now re-send all the postcards (written) when I find the "right" recipient. I don't like to store too much, even if that means that I don't have any more that special postcard for someone. Sometimes I have special postcards that are in my wall for a while, and then I send them. Now I don't find so difficult to part with them when Ii know someone will be happy to receive one of them. Does it mean I'm finally adulting? :)

    The postcards you show in this post are amazing. I understand you bought them!

    1. Yup, that sounds familiar, too; I've resent some of the cards that I at first "thought" were for myself. But I don't think I'll get rid of that habit completely anytime soon... It's a great feeling, though, when you can make someone else very happy, too. :)


  3. I buy myself cards sometimes but I have never had anyone else write in them and send to me. I think it's a great idea though. I really like the last card. It is so cute.

    1. You should definitely give it a try! :)
      Thank you!
