
Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Outgoing cards

to Germany

to Russia

to the USA

For some reason the official cards have been travelling quite slowly during the last few days... or at least it feels so! Back in the summer I used to receive 2-8 postcards every single day and I was a bit "upset" when the "no-post-at-all day" finally arrived - maybe this is something quite similar to that feeling?!

Anyway, here are three official cards I sent on their way last Friday. I hope the receivers will like them!


  1. I wouldn't mind to receive these! My postcards have been travelling really slow lately. Some of them even get lost! :(

    1. I'll keep that in mind in case I'd drew your address someday. ;) And yes, I've been experiencing exactly the same lately... Hopefully it'll get back to "normal" soon!
