
Monday, 10 February 2014

Spoiling myself, torturing my wallet

So oh well, what can I say? I really need to stay in my budget in next months... I made my first orders ever to both Perromania and PostcardGarden (the first and the second photos) and couldn't resist buying some cards and letter papers in a local store (the third photo) either. Poor me!

What comes to those web stores, I can only recommend them: both orders were delivered to home very quickly with a nice, friendly message and some extra products. I'll definitely order there again, but unfortunately not in the near future as I guess I'll need to find new homes for this bunch first!

Do you often order cards and post-related stuff online?


  1. That's a nice bunch of cards you picked up. You will have more fun with those than you would with money in your wallet. I just joined postcrossing so haven't started a collection for sending yet. Ordering online is probably a great way to go about it.

    1. Thanks! I keep saying the same to myself... Most of the time it helps. :) I already had quite a big collection of blank cards before I found Postcrossing, but since the day I joined the project, the collection has just kept growing... and growing... Wishing you happy times with this hobby! :)

  2. Aivan IHANIA ostoksia :)
    Itsellä onneksi ylimääräiset rahat jo loppuivat niin en enää pääse ostoksille nettiin :) Heti ensimmäisinä silmiin hyppäsi iso Muumi kortti(?) ja nuo ihanat Mila Marquisin kortit<3 Meillä ei taida paikallisessa Suomalaisessa edes olla neliönmuotoisia kortteja :)
    Ja kuten arvata saattaa ostan suurimman osan kirjetarvikkeista netin kautta ja jonkin verran korttejakin :) Nyt haluaisin niin ostaa ne Linna maxikortit mitkä tuli, mutta yli 10€ 6 kortistatuntuu aika pahalta.. :/ Ehkä sitten jos saa napattua työn kesäksi :)

    1. Kiitos! :)
      Isoa Muumi-korttia tuolla ei kyllä taida olla (muutama "normaalikokoinen" kylläkin), mutta Mila Marquisit bongasit ihan oikein. ;) Mä kävin omani ostamassa Sokokselta, siellä on yllättävän hyvä valikoima laadukkaita kortteja! Harmi, että ovat järjestäin yli euron kappale. :( Kävin muuten kattomassa noi maksikortit, upeita! Mutta hinta on todella suolainen. Onkohan noita yleensä jäänyt alennusmyynteihin, tiiätkö?

  3. Yes, I am addicted to buying mail related stuff on-line. I've bought from Zazzle, Amazon, Ebay, Etsy just to name a few. I have over 2,000 postcards that I have recently ordered. Some are used, some are new but all are vintage from the early 1900's all the way up to the 90's. Of course, I have a lot of modern postcards too.

    1. Wow, 2000 cards?! And I thought I was ordering/buying a lot... :D Your collection must be huge! And thanks for the tips; I hadn't heard of Zazzle before and hadn't realized that you could find mail related stuff at Etsy. I'll need to check those out, too. :)
