
Sunday, 13 April 2014

Amazing letter from Germany and some postcards

Hi there!
It has been a while since the last post. To be honest, I find it very hard to believe that it is already Sunday evening; I realized that I have not really turned my computer on during this week. Maybe I have been busy, then... But somehow the days have just passed by very quickly. Besides, I did  not receive that much mail last week, so maybe it affected this, too. Most of the things I do with the computer are more or less "snail mail related" issues.

Anyway, I did receive some mail after all. Here is probably the most amazing thing I was happy to find in my mailbox this week:

It is a 17-page-long (!!) letter from my German pen pal Vanessa, and it came with a big bunch of other lovely things I just simply adore to bits. As I opened the package and saw all the stickers, chocolate, etc., I kept asking myself "how could she know that I love exactly all these things? As if she had read my blog..." - and then she actually wrote that she had discovered my blog via Facebook. Hihi. Vanessa, I am so very happy for such a great surprise, schönen Dank!

These are most of the cards I received after last Tuesday; three tag cards and two officials from the Netherlands and China.

How has your week been? A little less stressful as mine, I hope.
Wishing you a nice Sunday evening!


  1. IHANA paketti! :D Oisin varmaa ollu aivan taivaissa :)
    Mun postiviikko oli ihan ok, swapit alko viimeinki tulla hitaammistaki maista ja kirjekaveri jonka kanssa juttelen aikalailla päivittäin facessa laitto pienen paketin tulemaan missä oli kirje, muutama kortti ja keksejä :) Oli ihan kivaa saada muutaki postia kun vaan postikortteja, mut nyt ku opparin deadlineen on alle 2 viikkoa ni tuskin saan ees avattua postia mitä tulee ku on KIIRE ja STRESSI! :S

    1. Minä ainakin olin... :D
      Paljon tsemppiä opparin kanssa! Toivottavasti kiva posti tuo kirjoittamiseen vähän taukojakin. :)
