
Thursday, 10 July 2014

A squirrel by Bastin and cute stamps

favorite tag from Estonia
artwork by Marjolein Bastin

I received this cutie yesterday for a favorite tag in the Postcrossing forum. I have to admit that I didn't know this card was illustrated by Bastin until I got it into my hands, even though I was familiar with the artist.

I love the way Bastin uses colors; her illustrations have some kind of softness that appeals to me a lot. My sister has had calenders illustrated by Bastin, and I have seen several folded cards by her in stores during the years, too. I'm happy to have this piece of art in my collection.

The stamps were superb, too! Especially the hedgehog is so cute.

Funny, by the way, how little mail I get from Estonia, Sweden and Norway, even though we are so close to each other... Luckily Russia tends to cover that pretty well, haha! I actually did receive quite many cards from there yesterday, too, but will share them later this week.

Enjoy your day!


  1. Oi! Mullakin on toi kortti jossain kokoelmissa kun sain sen vaihdossa virolaisen kanssa joskus 2010-2011 :) Tosi suloinen >3<

    1. :) Hih, näemmä sitä saa sit ostettua (ainakin) Virosta! ;D
