
Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Outgoing cards

Here's a bunch of cards that have hit the road during the past two weeks; some of them have already arrived.

The meeting we had yesterday was a very pleasant one; coffee, cake, postcards and good company, what else could one wish for a sunny Monday afternoon?!

Have you ever participated in any Postcrossing meet-ups? How was it?

resent official card to Belarus

resent official card to Russia

swap to Norway
artwork by Inge Löök

swap to Norway
artwork by Inge Löök

official card to Germany

official card to Belarus

official card to the Netherlands

official card to Belgium

swap to Ukraine
artwork by Inge Löök

official card to Spain
artwork: Camilla d'Errico

official card to Austria

official card to the USA

official card to Russia

official card to Germany

official card to Taiwan

official card to the USA

official card to Germany

official card to the Netherlands


  1. Camilla d'Erricon kortit on vaan niin ihania<3 :) Ite postasin kuvan lähtevistä korteista Instaan ja sain melkeen kohtauksen kun d'Errico ite tykkäs siitä kuvasta :) Tosi upee taiteilija :3

    1. Oo, aika hienoa! :) Taas vähän harmittaa, ettei mun puhelimeen saa Instagramia tai vastaavaa - tai toisaalta varmaan ihan hyvä, ettei tartte koukuttua siihenkin vielä. ;P
