
Friday, 5 September 2014

Official postcards heading out

Like I have stated here (maybe too) many times lately, I have not sent very many postcards during the last four weeks or so as I have concentrated on letters. This week I felt that I needed some change again, and decided to dedicate two mornings for just postcards and ended up sending all the official cards I could just send.

Do you have a favorite among these?

official card to Germany
artwork by Camilla d'Errico

official card to the USA

official card to the Netherlands
photo by Christian Heeb

official card to China
photo by Robert Doisneau

official card to Taiwan

official card to India
photo by Jyrki Valkama

official card to Singapore
photo by Tania Zaoui and Louis Gaillard

official card to Hong Kong
artwork by Magali Le Huche

official card to Austria

official card to Finland

swap to Germany

official card to Lithuania
artwork by Virpi Pekkala: 1611 "Kiinni on!" / "Jag har den!"

official card to Russia
artwork by Aukusti Uotila: "Osterinpoimija" 1880

official card to Poland

official card to the USA
artwork by Kaarina Toivanen: "Minne tuuli kuljettaa"

official card to Ukraine

official card to China
photo by Holsten/Koops/Stockfood/Studio X

official card to Belarus
artwork by Inge Löök