
Monday, 14 December 2015

Incoming postcards, part II

... and here you have the "Part two". Which one is your favorite?

... ja tässäpä se luvattu kakkososa. Mikä näistä on sinun suosikkisi?

official card from Japan 
artwork by Shin Tanaka

official card from Japan
artwork by Chiharu Sakazaki

official card from Taiwan

official card from Taiwan
artwork by Disney

official card from Canada
photo by D. Cox

official card from Japan

official card from Belarus
artwork by Vasil Sharangovich / Шарангович Василь

official card from Russia

meet-up card from Finland
artwork by Tove Jansson

official card from Germany
artwork by Peter Paul Rubens: Leda mit dem Schwan, 1598-1600

official card from the USA
photo by Daniel J. Cox

official card from Japan
artwork by Disney

official card from Taiwan
artwork by Disney

private from Spain


  1. AIVAN ihania kaikki! :D Mutta nuo Disneyn kortit on kyllä niin rakkautta :3
    Kuinka usein saat ei mieluisia kortteja kun aina tuntuu näkyvän vain upeita kortteja jokaisessa postauksessa :D

    1. Suurin osa saapuvista on mieluisia, mutta koska postia tulee melko paljon, niin en täällä pysty/halua esitellä ihan kaikkia. :)
