Sunday 3 May 2015

Meet-up cards

These cards I sent from our tiny Postcrossing meet-up that we had almost a month ago (time does fly!), so I believe the majority of them has already arrived safely.

Lähetin nämä kortit meidän pikkuriikkisestä Postcrossing-miitistämme, jonka pidimme jo melkein kuukausi sitten (aika tosiaan lentää!), joten uskon, että suurin osa on saapunut jo turvallisesti uusiin koteihinsa.

official card to Taiwan
photo by Petri Nevalainen

official card to Russia

official card to the Netherlands
photo by Krieg Roland

RAS to Spain
photo by Ros Roberts

official card to the USA
artwork by Inge Löök

official card to Czech Republic

official card to Ukraine

official card to Turkey
artwork by Albert Edelfelt: Pariisin Luxembourgin puistosta (1887)

official card to Lithuania
artwork by Rudolf Koivu

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