Christmas stamps for 2014 have now been published, along with other two sets of stamps:
illustration by Kristina Segercrantz, graphic design by Olavi Hankimo
illustration by Kristina Segercrantz, graphic design by Olavi Hankimo
I love these two! Will definitely use them in all my Christmas mails. The first stamp with 0,75€ is meant for domestic Christmas mail between a certain time period - after that the prices will "go up" again. This is pretty much the only nice thing the Finnish Posti offers for people who spend a fortune on stamps and postages.
"Arjen muutos"
artwork by Sami Saramäki
I really need to see these IRL before saying anything... I like the idea, but the shape of the stamps gives me doubts.
"Sillat ja vesi"
photos by Jaakko Tähti, graphic design by Susanna Rumpu and Ari Lakaniemi
These look very nice, and as they'll be sold in a batch of 100 stamps as well, I might purchase one.
Which is your favorite?
Aika hassua! Tampereen pääpostissa oli oikein tiskillä tyrkyllä sellainen 10 merkin pitkula. :O En vielä ostanut kuitenkaan, joulumerkit menivät nyt tässä "harrastebudjetissa" edelle, heh. Siltamerkit näyttivät kuitenkin luonnossa jopa hienommilta kuin tuossa kuvassa - "Arjen muutos" -merkkejä en olekaan vielä ehtinyt nähdä. :)