Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Received letters, weeks 29-41/2018

Talking about mail piles, anyone? 
Even though I have not been the best pen pal lately, I have to say that these pieces of mail have literally saved my day(s). It has been a great pleasure to have little moments on my own, with some hot (!) coffee and a letter from a friend in my hands. So once again; thank you so so much for being there. I appreciate it a lot. Talk to you all soon, I hope...

Postipinot... tiedättehän, mistä puhun?
Vaikken ole viime aikoina ollut mikään kovin erinomainen kirjeystävä, minun on pakko sanoa, että nämä postit ovat pelastaneet kirjaimellisesti päiväni. On ollut huippua istahtaa hetkeksi alas kuuman (!) kahvikupillisen ja kirjeen kera ja vain keskittyä siihen hetkeen. Joten jälleen kerran; kiitos, että olette siellä. Arvostan suuresti ystävyyttänne. Siispä toivon mukaan pikaisiin lukemisiin...

letter from Tanya, Russia

letter from João, Brazil

letter from Aino, Finland

letter from Annika, Germany

letter from Aurore, France

letter from Daniela, Portugal

letter from Katie, the USA

letter from Rosa, Spain

letter from Sandra, Spain

letter from Shoichi, Japan

letter from Sophie, Germany

letter from Tatiana, Russia

letter from Vanessa, Germany

letter from Heli, Finland

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    I found these postcards really beautiful. Thanks a lot for making my day.

    These days I am collecting postage stamps issued by different countries on 150th Anniversary of UPU and really enjoying the collection. More than 90 countries have issued stamps on this event. You can also find a detailed list on "150 Years of UPU - List of All Stamps"
    What are you collecting these days??

    Can you help me with any of these stamps in mint condition? I can help with postcards from Pakistan & Democratic Republic of Congo :-)

    Best wishes
