Thursday 13 March 2014

Sent letters

Here are some letters I sent in the beginning of March. It seems like I was seriously in a "writing-mood" as the letters were pretty much 10 pages each (except the one that was typed, of course, but I guess it could have been as long if I had written it in a "traditional way", too), huh. This time I included some random, tasty pictures, postcards and of course sweets.

to Marina, Germany

to João, Brasil

to Ania, Poland


  1. Aivan ihanan näköinen jo toi eka kuori :)
    Pitää varmaan alkaa itsekin kirjoitella muutama kortti kun nyt kerrankin on aikaa eikä täydy stressata ihan kaikkea :)

    1. Hyvä, että stressi vähän helpottaa! Ja kortit parantaa loput. ;)

  2. What's about the typed one? :) Why is it typed? :)

    1. I had some cool papers that looked better with a typed message. Too bad they look just like normal white A4-sheets on the photo. ^_^;
