Thursday, 21 May 2015

Outbox 19/05

After a while, I decided to send out some official cards (well, as usual... "some" turned out to be "a bunch"). Here are some of them, enjoy!

Päätin pienen tauon jälkeen lähettää matkaan muutaman virallisen kortin (no, kuten arvata saattaa, niin "muutamasta" tuli lopulta "kasa"). Tässä osa postilaatikkoon viedyistä aarteista, nauttikaatten!

official card to China

official card to the UK
photo by The John Kobal Foundation

official card to Czech Republic
artwork by Sussi Anna Åberg

official card to Mexico
photo by Pirkka Aalto

official card to the USA
photo by Shinya Sasaki

official card to Germany

official card to the UK
artwork by Inge Löök

official card to Ukraine
artwork by Inge Löök