Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Surprises and swaps

A bit before Easter holidays I out of a sudden thought that it would be nice to arrange some Easter surprises. I have usually sent cards, little candies etc. to my pen pals around that time, but this year I felt extremely tired and did not really feel like choosing and writing cards at that time.

Anyway, as there were some cards I had already bought and also already knew who would be an especially suitable receiver for them, and as I already had planned to send some surprises, I decided to do something about it and spent one evening by writing and decorating cards and envelopes. Here is what I then got to send out eventually:

Shaped Easter cards for Andy, the UK

A little cheer-up surprise to Lily, Finland

an Easter surprise to Vanessa, Germany

two swap cards to Gaby, Germany, and one swap/surprise card to each of the following; Julia, Ukraine, Konrad, Germany and Yina, Dominican Republic


  1. Kiitos ihan älyttömästi vielä tosta yllätyksestä<3 Hymyilin kun hullu jo pelkän kirjekuoren nähdessäni! :)
    Piristi kyllä oikeen kunnolla :)
