Sunday, 9 August 2015

Officials - off they go

The most of the official cards I sent a couple of weeks ago has reached its destination, so tomorrow morning more or less 20 cards will start their journey to other places and countries. This time most of these head to Europe.

Suurin osa pari viikkoa sitten lähettämistäni virallisista korteista on jo löytänyt uuteen kotiin, joten huomenaamulla noin 20 uutta korttia aloittaa matkansa kohti seuraavaa määränpäätä. Tällä kertaa valtaosa korttipinosta suuntaa Eurooppaan.

official card to France
artwork by Akseli Gallen-Kallela
published in 1893

official card to Slovakia
photo by Paul Jansen, 1994

official card to Singapore
artwork by Ernst Kahl, "Tortenschlacht"

official card to Finland
artwork by Ulf Svedberg and Lena Andereson

official card to Romania
photo by Valtteri Mulkahainen

official card to Latvia
artwork by Henna Adel

official card to the USA
photo by BCL / Jane Burton

official card to Belarus
artwork by Elsa Beskow

official card to Belgium
artwork by Albert Edelfelt, "Solveig I", 1893

official card to the USA
artwork by Martta Wendelin

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