Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Sailing on Cunard Line and other cards

I sent out some official postcards about two weeks ago - it was a great deal of fun indeed! Some have already reached their destinations. Which one do you fancy the most?

Lähetin pari viikkoa sitten muutaman virallisen postikortin - ja voi veljet, miten hauskaa se olikaan pienen tauon jälkeen! Osa on jo löytänyt perille uusiin koteihinsa. Mistä näistä pidät itse eniten?

official card to the UK
artwork by Cunard Line Poster from 1914

official card to Spain
photo by Jan-Erik Paadar

official card to Ukraine
photo by Tommi Pitkänen

official card to Germany
photo by Annemarie Oerer

official card to Belarus
photo by Colin Poole

official card to Germany
artwork by Ismo Männistö


  1. Tuo Valko-Venäjälle menevä kortti on ihanan kirje-teemainen! <3

    1. Tuo koko korttisarja on tosi kaunis. :)

  2. First one I like most! Maybe because I would love to even once be there? :)
